Premier Swimming Lessons From Expert Instructors
Premier Swim Programs With Expert Instructors
Promoting Water Safety Through Comprehensive Swim Instruction
Distinctive in approach, expert in instruction and coaching
Welcome to Charles River Aquatics

Our Mission
The mission of Charles River Aquatics (CRA) is to increase water safety while nurturing a path toward higher levels of performance. Learning to swim with proper stroke technique lays a solid foundation—creating confident, safe swimmers.
At CRA, we believe swimming is an essential life skill and we are dedicated to teach, train and motivate swimmers of all ages to excel at all levels. CRA’s teaching environment is designed to foster individual growth, and instill perseverance, while emphasizing cooperation and sportsmanship, educating not just the swimmer, but the whole person.
Technique. Confidence. Excellence.
Our Vision
At CRA, our vision is to, through exceptional instruction; develop strong, confident swimmers, instilling safe lifelong enjoyment of the water.
Technique. Confidence. Excellence.